
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Jennifer Cauzza of Julian Charter School - Covid-19 Special | Episode 008
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
For Episode 8, I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer Cauzza, the Executive Director of Julian Charter School. This is a special edition Covid-19 episode.
Julian Charter School is a hybrid program that has recently switched to total independent study during the global pandemic. Jennifer discusses the resources and technology they are utilizing to support distance learning.
Thank you to Jennifer Cauzza for taking the time to sit down with me tell us about the changes they have implemented during the Covid-19 at Julian Charter School. You can find out more about Julian Charter School by visiting their website at www.jcs-inc.org
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GUESTS: Jennifer Cauzza of Julian Charter School
HOSTED BY: Juliet Lucero