
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Meadows Arts Technology Elementary School | Episode 004
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
For Episode 4, I headed on over to Thousand Oaks, CA to Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School, or MATES for short. I interviewed Brenda Olshever the Executive Director and Kristin Walker, the Assistant Director.
MATES is a conversion school, which means it was once a district school that later converted into a charter school. The school was going to be shut down by the district due to low student enrollment, but instead they turned it into a thriving charter school.
Learn about how MATES integrates art and technology into their curriculum. Also find out how MATES partners with Cal Lutheran University to have undergrad student volunteers help out on their campus.
Thank you to Brenda Olshever & Kristen Walker for taking the time to sit down with me tell us more about MATES. You can find out more about MATES by visiting their website at www.matescharter.org
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GUESTS: Brenda Olshever & Kristen Walker of Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School
HOSTED BY: Juliet Lucero